Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Welcome to the Beyond Katrina Blog

Welcome to the Beyond Katrina Blog, presented by Mississippi Public Broadcasting

Hurricane Katrina has tested the infrastructure, economy, and most importantly, the wills of Mississippians. Over the next nine months, Mississippi Public Broadcasting will follow efforts to rebuild and rejuvenate South Mississippi. Each of the flagship series of MPB will join forces to produce monthly hour-long specials from various points of views.

Crews from Mississippi Roads, Mississippi Outdoors, Conversations, Farmweek, The Gestalt Gardener, and the News and Public Affairs Department will combine to tell Mississippi's story as we rebuild our communities.

Through this blog we hope to hear from you, and we want to hear your comments. The first episode of Beyond Katrina airs Thursday January 26th at 7 pm. The there will be a replay later that night at 9 pm, and again on Sunday January 29th at 10 pm.

Thank you for supporting Mississippi Public Broadcasting.